Re: is there a nep that...
I'm going to get shot down for this one for sure, but hear me out. If you're looking for a species and you've got a relatively cool(at night) and very humid(at all times) area, hamata or macrophylla might be worth a shot.
N. hamata has got a relatively low natural altitudinal distribution, being found at lowest 1400m. Know what other Nep is aso found at lowest 1400m? N. spectabilis! A quick search will tell you that some people have indeed managed to get N. spectabilis to grow in lowland conditions. Thus, N. hamata might be worth a try.
N. macrophylla's lower end range is at least 2000m, but for some strange reason, is one of the most heat resistant of all the ultra highland neps I've ever tried to grow. Its the only one whose leaves didn't initially get smaller and in fact got larger(same with x TM). Very slow growing though. Again, may be worth a try.
Both of the above plants can take lowland heat during the day and still grow and pitcher. If you've got a relatively cool and humid growing area, that temp drop may be enough. My own area is freaking hot and fairly dry, so my plants need cooling at night.
Malesiana has a hamata x platychila hybrid I've heard. Not sure how toothy that one is, but platychila is also quite heat tolerant, so that one should have a decent chance too.