Regarding the topic, I would like to share another D.I.Y. natural pesticide, which is now being promoted by enviromnet-conscious gardeners. all you need are vegetable/fruit peels and brown sugar. Mix (by weight) peels: brown sugar: water according to a ratio of 3:1:10. leave in a bottle/container for a few weeks. it will ferment and emit a stink (reminiscent of vinegar). Strain the yucky concoction and the liquid is ready to use. Its concentrated, so its advisable to dilute it 5 or 10 times before spraying. You can add a bit of detergent (handwash or dishwash) to the mix. My hypothesis is that the oily mixture leaves a residue on the leaves and may dissolve into the waxy cuticle. Don't know if this is true but its very effective against scales and mealybugs. CPs also suffer no harm, as I frequently spray the mixture for preventive purposes.