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Old 23rd September 2008, 02:05 PM
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strath76 strath76 is offline
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Default Re: THE SUN!!!!! not the newspaper =_=

Hi Ken, you are on the right track with the sun 'moving' north and south. To try and put it simply, the earths orbit is slightly skewed. Such that if you take a globe it does not sit directly up and down on the poles. It rotates with the poles slightly off to the side. This is what gives the north and south hemispheres the distinct change in weather.

This is less pronounced where you are as you are close to the equator where the amount of light remains relatively constant. In the southern Hemisphere we have summer solstice on the 22nd of December. This is the day with the most day light hours (longest time between sunrise and sunset). The 22nd of June is winter solstice which is the opposite.

This all means that yes the earth does move around the sun in such away that the sun appears to be more south or north depending on the time of the year. Hope this helps explainit and that it makes some sort of sense.
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