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Old 4th July 2008, 08:53 AM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Default Re: shawnintland: D. burmanni seedlings & ? (Read 158 times)

Originally Posted by arvin555 View Post

May I know what conditions did you germinate your D. Burmanii seeds?

I saw you used Dried Sphagnum moss, I am guessing pure Dried Sphagnum?

How about lighting? Full sun? Artificial? etc?

How many seeds did you sow by the way?

First off, let me say that these were my first attempts, so it may not be the best media to use just my attempt; I germinated them on very finely chopped sphagnum (at least after the first batch) by putting it in a blender for a few seconds. I had to wet the sphagnum with mist as I added it to the boxes 1 cm. at a time or it doesn't wet thoroughly. The boxes were covered with a clear lid and set in bright light (Sun) but not direct sunlight. The little boxes I used stayed moist, so I only had to re-wet them once every 10 days or so. I can't remember how many seed there were but I think about 10 per box and I tried to set them far enough apart that I would be able to remove them without disturbing the next plant. The finely chopped sphagnum helped in that, unlike the long fibers, it allows you to prick out the plants without pulling up other plantlets when its time to transplant. The downfall I had was when transplanting them... I should have hardened them off (kept them covered and slowly transitioned to open air) so I lost almost half of them. Good luck!
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