Originally Posted by David
Nice plant with lots of basels. However, I noticed the speckle on the picthers are a little faded. Does the pitchers get alot of sunlight? An advise from an experience grower to me... Try to shade the pitchers but give lots of sunlight to the leaves. The colours on the pitchers will become more vibrant and dark.
Off topic: Wow! You're into seramas. Beautiful birds. Was thinking of getting one as a pet once before but decided not too since I live in an apartment.
hey david. thanks... yeah. its getting quite a lot of sunshine.. ill shift the location then.. thanks for the tip =)
yeah.. im into seramas.. more of kapan actually. theyre nice. ive lost a few to the musang in my area. (you wont believe it) as i stay near bukit Gasing..
yeah.. seramas need space. they like to peck on grass, eat crickets too. haha.. but the bad part is the poop lah.. its stinks.
last year i lost a few of my CPs to a pair of turkeys. but i sold them off a long way back.. they poop like 20-30 times a day, and the poop size is like the size of a cats! seramas are not so bad. the turkeys are worst peckers..
anyway, youll be selling VFTs in the calravy carnival? how much and is it the YG one?