Originally Posted by bactrus
Jonathan, you show off. "caught bujuk not haruan"!!! Aiyoh, haruan are common catch but bujuk nowadays are legendary... Yes yes we'll go there some day, land beyond the raindow... look forward. You use live frog? Spinnerbait? SP?
Arvin, haruan is Channa straita and bujuk is channa Lucis I think. All from the snake head family.
Hi Bro...
Hahas... i'm not showing off... just acting a little Ops... =X
Naa.. actually normally i could get them both but that day only bujuk.. feels a bit sad...

but anyway better then empty handed
I'll be waiting for your arrival to this humble and beautiful place^^
Hoping to make a trip to a toman and pea**** bass spot^^ just around the corner.. but since the pea**** bass has been introduce into the pond by someone the toman has been out of trace... haiz sad...
Using live frog

because that location is unsuitable to use artificial bait... due to too much logs in the water... btw bujuk rarely chase bait because they are lazy, normally i do slow cast or leave the bait underwater for 10-15 min...