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Old 25th August 2008, 10:28 AM
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Aliamyz Aliamyz is offline
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Default Re: Oh no..are they wanna die??

Originally Posted by alienfx View Post
What i see normally at nursery's is that they keep the neps under the black net shade.So the nep acclimatized to that environment.From the photos you have posted the plants will be exposed to direct sun and there will be usually higher wind blow between the semi-d/bunglows houses.So the humidity is low.Neps need more humidity.If possible place it in front of ur house or behind ur house where there is some blockage from the winds.Anyway,neps are tough plants.They will suit themselves to the new environment.Existing pitchers will die to give chance for new pitchers which is suitable to the surrounding to environment.So dont worry ya.
Yes ,you reminded me something Alienfx,
I saw some red ventrata's and miranda's at my local nursery so ,i asked them the name( eventhough i knew it earlier).They told me that the plants are alata.I told them that they are xmiranda's and xventrata's.
They told me a little information about nepenthes.
They told me that you have to fill the pitchers up with water and thats all and put it in very shady place.
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