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Old 30th October 2008, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Watering,Spraying and Misting

Hi Aaron

Well depends what you mean by red though so far never seen any N rajah with reddish leaves though.Does the leaves have red spots or is it the whole leaf And if it is the whole leaf does that leaf look wilty???It could be maybe the nep trying to adjust to the high light levels..well i don't really know bit i doubt its that probally sunburn.

I heard somewhere that putting ice on the neps will harm your neps maybe just spray it with cooled water...Or...hehehe if you totally have nolthing to do at night....get a small polystyrene box where people keep ice or fishes in the market those boxes and when you get it everyday maybe before you sleep get about few frozen bottles in the box together with your N rajah and keep it half closed haha thats what i do but i'm not sure bout the humidity affects or anything but i don't think it affects it cause when i wake up in the morning there are droplets of water and certain leaves on the nep..and also the ice bottle still partly frozen.It might be irritating after awhile but well just a suggestion


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