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Old 19th January 2009, 10:15 PM
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Amelie.Poulain Amelie.Poulain is offline
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Join Date: Wed May 2007
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Default High humidity DOES make a difference!

I started this terrarium about christmas time.

How it looks inside on the last day of 2008.

About 20 days later

Notice the N. ventricosa that's on the upper right corner? It ws doing very miserably before, almost no growth & no pitcher for almost a year. It's thriving very well in the terrarium, producing lot's of pitchers & the pitchers are doubling in size almost every other day as you can see in the photos. New leaves also unfurls & produces pitcher instantaniously.

The N. 'Red Lantern' has also produced multiple pitchers just as the N. faizaliana & the N. veitchii. Everything looks great!

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for positive development in the other plants.
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