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Old 6th November 2008, 07:12 PM
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kentosaurs kentosaurs is offline
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Default Re: Sunggestion and Feedback on PetPitcher

Hi David

Hmmm well since some of here are begginers are growing nepenthes or any other CPs maybe troubleshooting for begginers which can be change to another name.And also maybe just maybe somthing like.....

Nepenthes species (after you click it)

Well just an example after you clikc it which will lead to more links.And after you click any of these species you will be move to threads of whichever species you choose.Not nessecerily just nepenthes.

Nepenthes sumtrana
Nepenthes truncata
Nepenthes ampullaria
Nepenthes mirabilis.

And maybe even to common hybrids like

Nepenthes ventrata
Nepenthes miranda

Or another way is hybrids that has traits of all these species so when you clik either of the species you will se threads of hybrids which has that species in it and info about those hybrids which are threads from members.


And so on hehehe.


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