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Old 15th June 2009, 07:10 AM
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spark spark is offline
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Join Date: Sat May 2009
Location: Oregon, USA
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Default Re: Oh my god why is it so cute!!!

A Loonakit is a thing I invented myself. I was thinking of Tribbles, from Star Trek, and I wanted to make one with my leftover costume scraps, but they are kind of boring so I added a face, and a tail to them. And somebody told me the first one looked like a loony kitten. So Loonakit.

I actually can ship them to other countries. It's not too expensive for shipping, the cost of the Loonakit itself is more. Though payment is tricky unless you have paypal. The only currency I can take other than US dollars is Canadian... but paypal converts currency for you. They cost between $15 and $30 usually, and shipping is $7.

Normally I'd say I'll trade them for plants... but I do think that shipping the plants to me would be a problem.

Did you see the gallery, or just the ones on my livejournal? If you didn't see my gallery, you should, there are tons more there.
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