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Old 10th October 2010, 12:26 PM
VFT VFT is offline
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Join Date: Wed Sep 2010
Location: michigan
Posts: 7
Default Re: Please help on my D. paradoxa

I have a pot of nepenthes seed started, this is my first attempt at growing CP from seed. Just last night discovered these tiny clearish worms. . . 2 hours of research and it turns out that they are fungus gnat larva. After even more research I have discovered that a slice of potato will draw quite a few larva away from your plant, I used a tooth pick to remove a few stragglers and have placed a fresh slice of potatoe to hopefully draw out the rest of the larva before my seeds begin to root. I also purchased a sticky trap to catch any adults that may hatch from pupa before they can lay more eggs. I recomend changeing the potato every day to remove as many larva before they turn into pupa. Wish me luck and I hope this helps anyone else with this problem.
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