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Old 25th July 2009, 02:09 PM
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David David is offline
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Default Inorganic media for Nepenthes

I had a good discussion with Dr. Charles Clarke 2 days ago and he suggested that we experiment and try out inorganic materials as media for Nepenthes.

This is becuase when we use sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat, we are contributing to its depletion in the wild. The dried sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat we buy for our "pets" are harvested from their natural habitat in bogs and swamps. Sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat plays a very important part in the ecology of bogs and swamps where CPs grow. As such when too much is harvested, it does affect other life forms there.

I would like to organise an experiment here for members to try out inorganic materials to grow their Nepenthes. Please post your results in this thread. If you are already using inorganic materials succesfully, do post here and let us know as well.

Dr. Charles suggest a mix from the following materials below. These are recommended because they do not breakdown. Some like the clay pellets might be expensive but in the long run we would save money and help conserve sphagnum moss and peat in their natural environment. Also Dr. Charles said that for Nepenthes to grow well, the roots needs alot of air. Unlike sphagnum moss, coconut peat or even flora foam, these materials below will not breakdown or compress over time.

Mix the following media together:
- clay pellets (mix large and small sizes)
- Polysterine (broken into small pieces)

This is a very airy media and we will need to do some adjustments to the pot or our cultivation routine. Perhaps have a water saucer at the bottom that is constantly filled with water. Lets us know what works and what does not.

Please post here if you would like to try this. I hope each person can try on differnet species so we will know later which species is best suited for this media or for different species what additional things we need to do so they will grow well in this. Copy, add your name and species you will be trying this out in the list below and paste in your post:

N. sp. viking - David
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Last edited by David; 25th July 2009 at 04:24 PM.
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