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Old 23rd September 2008, 05:16 PM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Join Date: Sat Feb 2008
Location: Koh Samui, Thailand
Posts: 729
Default Re: THE SUN!!!!! not the newspaper =_=

Waaaaa! I guess I need to check a map again! Isn't KL in the Northern Hemisphere (even if 'just')? Here in Thailand, I can watch the sun set into the ocean by Dec/Jan when it reaches it's furthest South point, by June it sets waaaay to the North behind the mountains. Sunday was the Autumn Equinox, the midpoint between solar summer (longest days) and solar winter (shortest days). As I said, my porch is just starting to get 'cooked' the last few days, each day a little more and I know I face straight South as I look out onto the Southern cross over the sea every night when I go to bed! Of course, I'm willing to admit that I just MAY have it totally backwards!

Here's a diagram I just found on the web;

Anyway, when I was young....a looooong time ago(!) I had fun for a year (or maybe only half a year) marking my balcony railing with grooves marking the points at which the sun set every evening while I was sitting in the same spot. Of course I didn't have a nice 'over the ocean' view and there were cloudy days but I remember that it was impressive to see how far it moved. (I was quite far North in America).

Keep us updated on what you find out please!
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