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Old 31st January 2010, 01:45 AM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Join Date: Tue Feb 2008
Location: Manila Philippines
Posts: 642
Default Re: Flower Development

There are 2 VFTs that are flowering at the same time? if I may suggest, please try to let the two flowers "kiss" each other from time to time, or heck every day, so that they are cross pollinated. I just hope they do flower at the same time so that you can do this. I forgot if VFTs are self fertile/self pollinating, but it won't hurt if you can have a different plant pollinate it.

If you do decide to cut the flower before it ripens, you can try to make plantlets out of the flowerstalk, just treat them like a leaf cutting.

Good luck!

Arvin's Growlist
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