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Old 10th October 2009, 11:32 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Join Date: Tue Feb 2008
Location: Manila Philippines
Posts: 642
Default Re: Nepenthes Database Project

I was just wondering... as there are many nepenthes species with varied watering, lighting needs. I wonder if we can come up with our own Petpitcher standards for Watering and Lighting needs.

For example as of now, we would only say to a nepenthes cultivation guide entry:

N. veitchii - water once a day

or something we say something about water tray.

And for Lighting needs we say... full sun or partial shade.

However full sun for one might not defined the same way as another person, that is why sometimes I even ask where the person is located, because there can be difference in terms of daylight hours and intensity in different latitudes.

Would anyone care to suggest on a good rule of thumb system for us? Maybe a scale of 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 and then we discuss about the scale, and so we can publish it in the forum as a reference.

For example next time if we say that we keep our N. x miranda in full sun, we can say Lighting 10 as opposed to, let us say N. Bicalcarata which lighting needs is only an 8. I guess, with lighting as well, we should also include photo period in terms of hours. So we can still say 2 hours of 10 level and 4 hours of 8 level and stuff like that. This is for outdoor grown, of course it is way much simpler if it's artificial light.

Same thing with watering.

Any suggestions? how to we define the standards and graduations?

Arvin's Growlist
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