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Thread: x viking
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Old 2nd March 2009, 03:46 PM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Location: Koh Samui, Thailand
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Default Re: x viking

Hey guys, check out K. Nong & K. Sak's website regarding Viking info. They have put together the best info I have seen on Vikings, all in one place. If you go to this gallery of Vikings; I think you will be amazed at the different 'forms' and at the fact that the Thai people have taken it a step further by naming these forms. The taxonomists will probably tell us how its all not 'official' but so what! These 'names' allow us to discuss different forms and agree that we are talking about the same thing so where's the problem? Notice the "Rod" form shown and how it is similar to TS's first shot. I really like the variability of form in the Vikings and, while I have my favorites, really haven't seen one I didn't like! There's also great article on "Redness" to be read (), and a lot of history.

Please check out the rest of the Neofarm website as you will find a lot of interesting articles, especially on Vikings. I really appreciate the fact that they have made such a big effort to translate their knowledge into English for the rest of us to have access to it as well. I think it deserves to be pointed out to all forums and growers as a lot of the Viking info is not available anywhere else. I had the pleasure of meeting and doing business with K. Nong and his son a few years ago and am very happy to see their exposure growing. They have recently been upgrading the website so things may have changed since you last saw it!


TS - I'm not sure, but it seems that they can "handle" it being wet all the time, unlike some others that seem to hate it. It just means I don't have to keep quite as close a check on them as the trays balance things out. It has just shifted into our 'blazing hot - extremely dry' period here in the last days...Knew I should have spent more time on those misting systems!
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