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Old 20th January 2009, 12:26 AM
Amelie.Poulain's Avatar
Amelie.Poulain Amelie.Poulain is offline
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Location: Ara River, 11900 Penang
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Default Re: High humidity DOES make a difference!


Touch wood, so far the grasshoppers has not mess with my CPs,eventhough I've found some giant ones in the garden.

And the other day, I saw something moving on a rose leaf, ohmigod! it was a whole bunch of tiny grasshopper! Took a ziploc and just trap them all quickly in one swoop. Pop it in the freezer, my CP was feasting the next day - there's 19 of them grasshopper btw!

I'm still trying to figure out the N. 'Red Lantern', David helped me get it . The seller claim that I should be able to google it but so far the closes hit I've got is N. 'Gardentech'. Hope by posting the photo here I'll be able to get some form of description.

Misting system should be great in this kind of weather, it's been quite gloomy & windy and yet water evaporation rate is very high. I used to top-up my water tray every 3rd or 4th day, and during hot weather it would last at least 2 days. Now I have to do it daily if not more often!
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