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Old 2nd May 2010, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: GA3

Just to add some information about it,
after doing some investigation on it, there were recorded that the solution of 0.1%~1% works best on the seeds, but mostly, the experiment was doing on the seeds that require some element to trigger it's germination, such as cold, or smoke...
Species that suggested to be tried is Byblis, Drosophyllum, Drosera, Genlisea, Heliamphora, Nepenthes, Sarracenia, may be greatly increased via the use of GA3. The application of GA3 leads to uniform germination in a shorter time, breaking the dormancy exhibited by many seeds.

using it
soaked with suitable ppm for 24hours but not more than 3days

Storing it
The prepared GA3 solution may be stored in the refrigerator (-10-0°C) and reused.
but it is advisable to mix it when you want to use it..

Calculation formula
To know the concentration, replace X and Y, (X mg / Yml) x 1000 = Z ppm
To know the amount of solution to make to get a certain ppm, replace X and Z, (X mg / Z ppm) x 1000 = Y ml
To know the quantity of powder to use, replace Z and Y, (Z ppm x Y ml) / 1000 = X mg

For exemple: 100mg of GA3 in 200ml of water gives you 200ml at 500 ppm (part per million). 100mg of GA3 in 400ml of water gives you 400ml at 250 ppm. 1g of GA3 at 90% concentration will be supplied as a powder in a small ziplock bag, sufficient quantity to make a 2 liters of solution at 500 ppm. You should have enough for a couple of years.

Ways of using
Use strong solution, 500 ppm, on very hard to germinate seeds; and a 250 ppm on seeds that are just hard or slow to start. Seeds enclosed in a hard coat may be submit to a higher concentration, 750-1000 ppm. You can scarify the seeds at first. Soak seeds for 24 hours and at most three days for the ones enclosed in a hard coat. Keep the seeds at room temperature with occasional careful shaking. The seeds may then be sown. Don't use it on easy to start seeds unless you dilute it greatly, like 25-100 ppm, and soak them only for 2-3 hours. Normal, easy-to-sprout seeds will become very elongated and stretched out, then die if GA3 is used on them. Concentrations of about 2 ppm can cause tubers to sprout earlier.

Other usage
Gibberellic acid can also influence the timing of flowering, flower gender, flower size and increase the number of flowers. If a plant is sufficiently developed, premature flowering may be induced by direct application of GA3 to young plants. Formation of male flowers is generally promoted by concentrations of 10 to 200 ppm, female flowers by concentrations of 200 to 300 ppm. You may have an increase in the number of flowers by direct application of GA3 to young plants, at 25 ppm.

When there is difficulty with fruit set because of incomplete pollination, GA3 may be effectively used to increase fruit set. The resulting fruit maybe partially or entirely seedless.

GA3 applied near the terminal bud of trees may increase the rate of growth by stimulating more or less constant growth during the season. Since GA3 regulates growth, applications of very low concentrations can have a profound effect while too much will have the opposite effect.

Although GA3 is not listed as a poison, the following precautions should be observed. Flush with water any GA3 that may get into the eye. Avoid skin contact if possible and wash away any contact with soap and water. Avoid ingestion of GA3.

Copy and edited by me, from


I want grow more CP !!!!!!!

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