Originally Posted by David
... It does look dehyderated and it could be because you are using the coconut husk to grow them. I think the water within the media evaporates very quickly if you use coconut husk. Try to use plastic pots and try a wetter media as what Shawn suggest...
...Also as you get more plants and crowd the area with plants the whole growing area will be much more humid.
Here's a couple pics of N. albomarginata planted in straight coco husk cubes. All of these get very well watered, daily. The pot in the second picture has holes drilled about 3/4" up from the bottom (Pot is 5" tall so it always has a reservoir, but also has room for the roots to spread out without water-logging. So far, they seem quite happy.
I agree with David - plastic pots (unless you can use water trays or can water everything daily) and more plants grouped together really helps. Fortunately, increasing numbers of plants comes naturally with the habit!