Re: Oh no..are they wanna die??
Evenhthough ampullarias are found in shaded conditions in the wild, it is their basel pitchers and leaves that are shaded. Sometimes covered completely by dead leaves and other plants. However, their long vines are always exposed to sunlight. Sometimes full sunlight. Whatever it is, they are still plants and need sunlight to make food.
Also, if you have a red ampullaria and want it to have really red pitchers, cover the pitchers totally from sunlight. But you must provide lots of sunlight for the leaves. The pitchers will turn blood red. It's similar to N. sp. viking.
I don't think so the pitchers on a Nepenthes can last for years. So far I've not seen this happening on my neps or known of other growers with this phenomena. Even for my truncata, it last for only 1 year +. Usually, the pitchers will last from 3-18 months depending on the species, growing condition and eating habit. The majority of species will have picthers that only last from 3-6 months. But I might be wrong. Do correct me if so. Perhaps other growers can share their experiences here with regards to this.