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Old 22nd March 2011, 06:28 PM
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edwardyeeks edwardyeeks is offline
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Default Re: Veitchii beauties

Very beautiful! There certainly is a diverse number of different veitchii. I've have no idea why in-situ's vetchii rarely climb but if there are few trees there, they may have evolved to scramble for more support and possibly less exposure to sunlight. Just a guess....

EDIT: What I meant about them scrambling to avoid exposure to sunlight is that the veichii makes use of the bush and other plants surrounding it (grasses, ferns, etc.) to shade it from direct sunlight. If there are few trees around, there's almost no shade so I'm guessing that the veitchii scramble among bushes and grasses to shade themselves rather than vine erectly upwards into the sun.
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Last edited by edwardyeeks; 30th January 2012 at 10:32 PM.
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