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funkychips 12th February 2009 12:11 AM

Re: owl: D.I.Y. Non-chemical Pest Controller
Good Heavens, but I'll probably gonna try it out on my auntie's chilli plants anyway :smile:. Those are full of nasty white mealies. I bet the worst smelling concoction is the one that works best, ain't it?? *biggrin2**biggrin2**biggrin2*

paphioboy 12th February 2009 11:30 AM

Re: owl: D.I.Y. Non-chemical Pest Controller
funkychips, yes, I notice chilli plants are always very pest-prone even though they're spicy. I always thought the spicyness would deter insects from eating the plant.. and you're right, the worst smelling one works best.. :p

Amelie.Poulain 12th February 2009 12:07 PM

Re: owl: D.I.Y. Non-chemical Pest Controller
Well, chilli plants especially the bird's eye ones have the sweetest young shoot. My late grandma in-law use to make a simple vegetable dish with them, and they are sweet & delicious!

I also notice that mealies go for plants with sweet leaves, another victim at my place is this egyptian vegetable that's known as muluqi'a (melokia). Everytime we grown them, within weeks they are attacked!

Another casualty is my hibiscus! It's always a battle to see who get's there 1st, the bugs or me with my 'neem' oil!

paphioboy 13th February 2009 08:45 AM

Re: owl: D.I.Y. Non-chemical Pest Controller
Athene, IMHO hibiscus are the most pest-prone flowering plant that can be grown in Malaysia. everything attacks them.. Grasshoppers, caterpillars, aphids, mealies, scales, snails etc.. Which is why I separate the hibiscus in my garden from my orchids and CPs.. :)

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