Re: Balcony grown Cephalotus - two different forms
Your ceph. look great.
Just a little curious how you water your cephs? I have one but just recently bought it and I've been asking everyone how they water theirs and they give vary vague description. The way I've been watering mine is the tray method, once or twice a week. I fill a tray with about a half inch of water and sit my pot in it. I let it soak for 30 to 45 mins and then take it out. The soil seems to be moist when I'm done but not much water runs out of the pot when I take it out. It’s in a 3"x5" deep pot. Just a little guy. I also give a light spray in on the top until it runs out the bottom. I mist the soil not the plant and allow plenty of air circulation. I'm always skeptic on whether it gets enough water, but it seems to be doing ok.