This is a map I made (via Powerpoint) for the lecture I gave at the 2010 ICPS conference.
Although, it is far from complete - a lot of further surveys are required - this is a good document for the readers interested in this particular group of pyrophytic species. The map excludes other species which occur in Indochina such as
Nepenthes mirabilis (found in the four countries),
N. mirabilis var.
globosa (known also as "Viking" in horticultural circles), N. ampullaria,
N. sanguinea,
N. gracilis (the three last ones occur in Thailand).
As you can see,
N. smilesii (formerly known as
N. anamensis) is the most widespread species. It is mostly found between 600 and 1000 masl but can be found at sea level in southern Cambodia and up to 1500 m in Vietnam.
Many species are very localised (and endangered) such as
N. kerrii or
N. thorelii has not been relocated with certainty.
A lot of areas have yet to be prospected. The northern half of the Cambodian territory, the north and center parts of Vietnam as well as the majority of Laos (and all its mountains) have to be surveyed.
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