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Old 28th October 2008, 05:20 PM
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Default Stewart McPherson's CP Books

With reference to Khoas thread on Steward McPherson in the "All Stuff On Carnivorous Plants (here), I have contacted Steward McPherson and he has agreed to give us discounts if we purchase in bulk from him.

Please note that the discounts have not been deducted from the retail price below. Steward McPherson has agreed to give us wholesale DISCOUNTS STARTING FROM 40% depending on the quantity (of any combination) of our purchase.

Please also note that the retail price does not include shipping cost to ship the books to Malaysia. Once we confirm with Steward on our quantity, he'll let us know the shipping cost. This cost will be shared among all who order the books. If you are staying outstation, you will have to add on postage cost for me to send the books to you.

As of 28 October 2008, 3.30pm the exchange rate is 1.00 GBP = 5.59 MYR. to check on updated excahange rates, log in to Example...

29.99 GBP = 167.64 MYR
Total Cost = (167.64 MYR - 40%) + shipping
Total Cost = 100.58 MYR + shipping

Below are some information and picture on each book from the author:

Pitcher Plants of the Americas
- UK £29.99 unsigned / hardcover
- UK £31.99 signed / hardcover
- UK £24.99 unsigned / softcover
- UK £26.99 signed / softcover

Pitcher plants are the largest and most beautiful of the world's carnivorous plants and are viewed with fascination as objects of natural history and natural beauty by people of all ages, nationalities, and vocational callings. Pitcher Plants of the Americas is intended for a broad audience, and accordingly has been written in substantive yet accessible language, that is enhanced through the use of spectacular, high-quality color images and diagrams. The result is a visually beautiful yet informative study that provides the first complete, detailed overview of the systematics, biology, ecology, biogeography, conservation, and horticulture of the five genera of American pitcher plants (s.l.) , including three genera of true pitcher plants (Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia) and two genera of carnivorous tank bromeliads (Brocchinia and Catopsis) .

The introductory chapters of this work outline the taxonomic content and groupings (by trapping methods) of carnivorous plants and briefly review the taxonomy, biology, evolutionary history, and biogeography of the American pitcher plants. The following five chapters are devoted to individual genera of the American pitcher plants and examine in detail the anatomy, habitat, ecology, trapping process, and distribution of each genus and each member species as well as many naturally occurring hybrids and selected cultivars.

The concluding chapters of Pitcher Plants of the Americas summarize the current conservational status of each family of American pitcher plants in terms of the nature and extent of habitat loss and the resulting threat of extinction, and the study closes by considering the various successful conservation approaches and initiatives which are helping to secure a bright future for these rare plants.

The strengths of this book include (1) its uniquely detailed systematic coverage of the five genera and their member species, hybrids, and cultivars; (2) the first and only comprehensive, systematic coverage of the genus Heliamphora; (3) the full-color format and 200+ spectacular photographs used to document each taxon and cultivar covered; (4) the very first published images of several species and varieties in their natural habitat; and (5) descriptions and photographs of thirty currently unnamed and largely undocumented phenotypic variants of Sarracenia.
Pitcher Plants of the Americas is up-to-date, comprehensive, focused, well illustrated, and visually beautiful. It is technically written yet is accessible to specialist and non-specialist audiences and will be a valued source of information, reference book, and spectacular overview of the group that will appeal to botanists, naturalists, ecologists, biogeographers, resource managers, conservationists, horticulturists, and gardeners-among others!

Glistening Carnivores
- UK £29.99 unsigned / hardcover
- UK £31.99 signed / hardcover

The seven genera of sticky-leaved insect-eating plants are uniquely beautiful and captivate the interest of all who behold them. Each produces shimmering leaves lined with glistening droplets of glue that attract, trap and kill insects and other small animals. Complimented by 279 spectacular images, this work examines all seven genera of sticky-leaved insect-eating plants (Byblis, Drosera, Drosophyllum, Ibicella, Pinguicula, Roridula and Triphyophyllum) and documents their wild ecology and natural diversity in full detail and in many cases, for the very first time.

The first chapter of Glistening Carnivores focuses on the research of Charles Darwin and the implications of his findings relating to the carnivorous plants of the world. The next chapter, entitled The Sticky-Leaved Insect-Eating Plants, identifies all of the known sticky-leaved insect-eating plants and discusses their classification. The following chapters entitled The Evolution of the Sticky-Leaved Insect-Eating Plantsand Mutualistic Arthropods respectively handle the evolution of the seven genera and the known relationships with arthropod partners involving these plants.

Each of the following seven chapters then individually focus on one genus of sticky-leaved insect-eating plants. Each genus is considered in terms of its taxonomy, botanical history, morphology and ecology. In the following chapter, entitled Habitat Loss and the Threat of Extinction, the book then moves to consider the conservational status and future outlook for these remarkable plants and examines their place in the 21st century in the context of changing landscapes across the world. The final chapter, entitled Cultivation and Horticulture considers the cultivation of the sticky-leaved insect-eating plants with recommendations of responsible and ethical nurseries where the reader may acquire responsibly and legally produced sticky-leaved insect-eating plants to grow and study at home.
Glistening Carnivores is the first and only study of the sticky-leaved insect-eating plants and represents an unparallel source of information on the subject. The strengths of this book undoubtedly include (1) its uniquely detailed content; (2) the 279 spectacular figures including breath taking images and useful distribution maps and (3) the very first published images of dozens of species of sticky-leaved insect-eating plants.

Glistening Carnivores is up-to-date, uniquely detailed, focused, and visually beautiful. It is technically written yet is accessible to specialist and non-specialist audiences and will be a valued source of information for all interested in the sticky-leaved insect-eating plants and carnivorous plants in general!

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands
- UK £29.99 unsigned / hardcover
- UK £31.99 signed / hardcover

The tablelands of the Guiana Highlands are among the most spectacular yet least explored mountains of our world. Each is an immense sandstone plateau known locally as a ‘tepui’ that is encircled on all sides by gigantic vertical cliffs up to 1,000 metres tall. The summits of these unique mountains have remained isolated for millions of years, and today harbour plants, animals and landscapes that occur nowhere else on Earth. This work examines the story of the discovery and exploration of these remarkable mountains and considers the unique plants, animals and landscapes atop of these mysterious lost worlds.

The introductory chapters of Lost Worlds outline the remarkable processes that led to the formation of the tepuis of the Guiana Highlands. The following chapter, The Discovery and Exploration of the Guiana Highlands, first reviews the Amerindian presence around, and perceptions of, the tepuis prior to the arrival of Europeans, and then moves to the discovery and description of these tablelands by Europeans from the 16th Century to the exploration of Mount Roraima early in the 20th Century.

The next chapter, Some Strange Country of Nightmares provides an overview of the remarkable physical landscape of the summits of the tepuis with a focus on some of the most surprising geological features that are found on the plateau tops and in the nearby lowlands.

The following chapter, Islands Above the Clouds, examines the unique evolutionary and ecological processes that have shaped and now give character to the biological landscapes of the tepui summits. The next chapter, Life Above the Clouds, looks at the remarkable diversity of organisms found on the summits of the tepuis and the diverse ways in which plants and animals have adapted to the demanding environmental conditions that occur in these highland environments. The final chapter, As a New Century Begins, reviews the current conservation and management issues relating to the future of Guiana.

Lost worlds is the first and only comprehensive study of the remarkable natural history of the tepuis of the Guiana Highlands. The strengths of this book include (1) its uniquely detailed content; (2) the 248 spectacular figures including breath taking images, maps, historical illustrations and photo (3) the very first published images of several species of tepui dwelling plants and animals in their natural habitats.
Lost Worlds is up-to-date, comprehensive, focused, well illustrated, and visually beautiful. It is technically written yet is accessible to specialist and non-specialist audiencesand will be a valued source of information for all interested in the natural history of the remarkable tablelands of the Guiana!
Plant Database - Picture Gallery - Little Shop Of Horrors

Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. - A Kenyan Proverb

Last edited by David; 28th October 2008 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 28th October 2008, 05:27 PM
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Default Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Some pictures from his books for you to drool over...

Glistening Carnivores:

Glistening Carnivores (5).jpg

Glistening Carnivores (7).jpg

Glistening Carnivores (9).jpg

Lost Worlds:

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands (12).JPG

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands (23).jpg

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands (39).jpg

Pitcher Plants of the Americas:

PPOTA (34).jpg

PPOTA (49).jpg

Plant Database - Picture Gallery - Little Shop Of Horrors

Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. - A Kenyan Proverb
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Old 28th October 2008, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Oooohhh, the pictures are sooooo beautiful! Especially the maroon heliamphora! Some of them I have never seen them before.

Erm, when you say group purchase, it means a few of us has to contribute in buying these books, right? Well, perhaps I shall think about it but I have to talk to my parents about it. Maybe I will reply to you tommorow? beatiful, nice CPs..........

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Old 29th October 2008, 12:01 AM
shawnintland shawnintland is offline
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Ok David, you got me! I'll probably take Glistening Carnivores and Lost Worlds! Will confirm with you soon. Thanks for setting this up!
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Old 29th October 2008, 10:44 AM
bactrus bactrus is offline
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

David, how about the other two new books: Carnivorous Plants of the World and Carnicorous Plants and their Habitats? Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1 & 2

Also, is Redfern shipping by air (fast) or sea (about 3 weeks)? Shipped to Door or to port. All different charges. If they can let us know of the freight forwarders, then can liase directly with them don't have to see the customs (= $$$ Ahem!). Charges are in per cubic meters basis.
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Old 30th October 2008, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

:cryin g::cry ing::c rying:

Sheeeeesssssshhhhhh, I can't buy the books, my parents don't allow, says its too expensive. nvm, sorry for bothering your time david.

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Old 30th October 2008, 10:49 AM
bactrus bactrus is offline
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Edward, Tell them can use for tax deduction. Cannot remember which section already.

Probably gonna bankrupt me... hopefully got bonus this year...

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Glistening Carnivores

1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Pitcher Plants of the Americas

Carnivorous Plants of the World
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Carnivorous Plants and their Habitats
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1 & 2
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Old 30th October 2008, 12:16 PM
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Originally Posted by bactrus View Post
David, how about the other two new books: Carnivorous Plants of the World and Carnicorous Plants and their Habitats? Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1 & 2

Also, is Redfern shipping by air (fast) or sea (about 3 weeks)? Shipped to Door or to port. All different charges.
Hi Ben, The books you mention here have not been released. Stewart is writting the Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volumes 1 & 2 at the moment and is hoping to release them in January or February next year. He has not released a date for the others at this stage.

As for shipping I purchased books from him and they were sent air mail and I received them in under a week. They were posted to my home address. I presume from what David is saying that they will be posted to him and will then be distributed from there.

I can tell you though that from the presentation that was given these will be must haves when they are released. He has gone to great effert to track down plants that have either never been seen before (some will only officially recieve names later this year) or have not been seen since discovery many years ago.
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Old 30th October 2008, 12:46 PM
bactrus bactrus is offline
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Adam, Thanks for the kind explaination. I know some are "yet to be released" books. Tot better get the ball rolling now cos the group purchase will definately take some time to compile and they are considered rather expensive in Malaysia, so members may need some time to consider too.

Yes would like to have the Neps of the old world vol 1 & 2 but that is pushing my budget. Better abstain for now.
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Old 30th October 2008, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: Stewart McPherson's CP Books

Originally Posted by bactrus View Post
David, how about the other two new books: Carnivorous Plants of the World and Carnicorous Plants and their Habitats? Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1 & 2

Also, is Redfern shipping by air (fast) or sea (about 3 weeks)? Shipped to Door or to port. All different charges. If they can let us know of the freight forwarders, then can liase directly with them don't have to see the customs (= $$$ Ahem!). Charges are in per cubic meters basis.
Thanks Adam for answering on my behalf. Could not log into the forum yesterday and half the day the forum was under maintenance mode. The hosting company was upgrading the server that PetPitcher is on.

In reply to edwardyeeks' question on group purchase... Everyone will benefit because we are able to negotiate with the supplier to get discount on bulk purchase. Also we can save a little from the shipping charges as the books are shipped to only one location. Of course if you are overseas or outstation and the books needs to be shipped to you, there will be additional cost. But considering that you already receive discount on the book, it will still be cheaper.

I'll check with Stewart to see if they are able to ship the books to more than one location. Most probably diferent shipping rates will apply.

Below is the wholesale discount structure that was emailed to me by Stewart for our group purchase:

1 to 20 books (of any combination) 40% discount
21 to 30 books (of any combination) 45% discount
31 books or more (of any combination) 50% discount.

Ok, here's my order:

Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)


Glistening Carnivores
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)
2. David (Signed copy)

Pitcher Plants of the Americas

Carnivorous Plants of the World
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Carnivorous Plants and their Habitats
1. Bactrus (Unsigned copy)

Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1 & 2
Plant Database - Picture Gallery - Little Shop Of Horrors

Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. - A Kenyan Proverb
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