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Aldrovanda vesiculosa Everything about the Water Wheel Plant

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Old 8th October 2008, 06:12 AM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

I would avoid using any peat, as it seems to promote algae blooms, and lowers the pH too much; in my outdoor pond they grow best in areas where there is a lot of clay, (pH=7.0), and leaf litter from Phragmites, Carex, Typha, and Juncus plants, sometimes in less than 5 cm or water, (or out of water all together for a while).

Perhaps some of the "burnt earth" might help, as it's some form of a clay based substance. The important part is the root systems of large monocot companion plants, and being in close proximity to them. Also, the population density of the zooplankon is higher, more concentrated in shallow depths. Growing Aldovanda in too deep conditions was my problem too when I first started growing them. - Rich
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Old 8th October 2008, 10:35 AM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Just want to find out more... What happens when Aldro are kept in too deep water? Why is it crucial for Aldros to be in close proximity to the root system of monocot companion plants?

I think I now have a picture in my mind of how I want to set up my tank. Thanks Rich
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Old 8th October 2008, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Originally Posted by David View Post
Just want to find out more... What happens when Aldro are kept in too deep water? Why is it crucial for Aldros to be in close proximity to the root system of monocot companion plants?

I think I now have a picture in my mind of how I want to set up my tank. Thanks Rich

When Aldrovanda are grown in too deep water, the CO2 levels are too diluted, and dispersed, and become ineffectual, also, the population density of the plankton community is less concentrated; this is how Aldrovanda feeds; they need BOTH CO2 and prey in large amounts on a daily basis!

Also, the roots of these plants absorb and quickly assimilate the excess nitrogenous matter that the Aldrovanda gives off, as the result of feeding, which reduces the risk of the oppertunist effects of fibrous algae attacks in response to the excess nitrogenous matter released by the Aldrovanda as a reult of a feast in palnkton.

- Rich
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Old 8th October 2008, 12:43 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia


May I know your opinion about the floating water lettuce on Kim's pond, would you say it is beneficial to Aldros or not? can't figure out of it's a monocot or dicot though.

My pond currently has quite a lot of java moss too, would that compete against Aldros?

Kim, about your water lettuce, don't you have problems with them getting out of hand and covering the whole pond? I have another pond that is over run by them, because it is a bit hard to get to that pond and clean it off excess plants. I gave a bit to a friend of mine, and his pond got over run with it that you can't see any water under them.

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Old 8th October 2008, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Thanks Rich for your explaination. I'm smarter a little now.
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Old 8th October 2008, 04:21 PM
Khoas Khoas is offline
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Australian Aldrovanda is mixture of tropical and subtropical to warm temperate forms. It only found in northern Western Australia, Northern Terrority, and Queensland. Just check CP of Australia vol 3 and there is location in north New South Wales at Evan Heads which is borderline subtropical in climate.
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Old 8th October 2008, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Hey Arvin, water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is actually in the fern allies group, along with Azola and Salvinea which reproduce so rapidly that they are illegal in several states here in the USA, considered as aggressive invasive exotics.

Some people use water hyacinth (Eichhornia), which are also illegal in some states for the same reason, are monocots, but their roots go directly downward, and don't get directly under the Aldrovanda strands where they can release the CO2 directly onto them.

Even decorative grasses can be used as companion plants for Aldrovanda and their roots will spread out from the bottom of their pots and get under the strands, and quickly absorb and assimilate the excess nitrogenous matter released by the captured prey. Leaf litter can also help control algae and is a food source for some zooplankton. - Rich
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Old 9th October 2008, 02:20 AM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia


Thanks very much for your reply, but sorry I didn't quite absorb it all. Noted about invasive species warning though, but yes they are found locally (I think native).

Water lettuce is it a monocote?
Hyacinth monocote?

The problem you mentioned is that their roots might not go directly with Aldos, but if they can be quite near to Aldros they can give some benefit? (Again sorry to be a bit thick tonight).

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Old 9th October 2008, 06:11 AM
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Originally Posted by arvin555 View Post

Water lettuce is it a monocot?
Hyacinth monocot?
Arvin, Not to worry.

Water lettuce is it a monocot? - No, it's a fern.
Hyacinth monocot? - Yes, but their roots are not close enough to the Aldrovanda, and they compete with them for sunlight and surface area.

Java Moss is a rootless moss, and competes with Aldrovanda for the available CO2. It is great for breeding fish, but not so much for Aldrovanda. - Rich
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Old 9th October 2008, 11:26 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Default Re: Aldrovanda in Indonesia

Thanks for the reply, oh man I guess I need to do some more research and go to the garden shop to find me some water loving monocotes. I posted somewhere before that Rice is one, and lilies are too, lillies are possible but rice, not practical. You mentioned decorative grass, but I am not sure what they are and how they look like, we'll try to research.

Meantime need to figure out how to reduce the number of javamoss in our pond

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