Dear All,
I have been growing heliamphoras for over a year now. I have something interesting to show you.
Here, side by side are two plants I bought from YG Park back in late December, last year. One in grown along with my highlander nepenthes in aircond environment with 60-70% humidity and subjected to bright morning sun. The other in a tank subjected to 80% to supersaturated humidity. The tank has a room temperature range of 25°C to 31°C. And lighted by three 2 ft florescent lights.
Are you surprise that this scrawny plant is grown in aircond environment?
And that this plant with etiolated leaves (not enough light) is grown in room temp, abit subjected to very high humidity.
And if the plant gets enough light it will produce coppertoned leaves. This plant has two reddish interior leaves and another coppertone tone leaves is emerging (bottom right).
This plant was one of the seven plants on sale at last year Penang floral fest. It is grown in the same high humidity tank. It has grown so big that I have subdived the plant. I am offerring 4 of the divisions for sale. Check the trading board column.
Note: Etiolated leaves - The lack of light causes the plant to forsake carnivory and to photosynthesise energy to survive. The leaves are flat, glabrous (not tubular) and green. The spoon is non existent.