Hey everyone
Again with another question which actually its not really a nessecity anyways just asking la..What kind of neps actually don't really produce basals? So far i've only had basals on my mixta x fusca,ventrata,ventricosa and there are plants around they're size or taller than it which has not produce and basals or even a hint on it...
I really like basals cause they grow fast and produce the lowers again...My miranda looks ugly right now cos all the lowers already dry up and now only has intermediates an uppers..Raff nah not complaning but it would be nice if it produce a basal too..And as for bical i heard they don't produce much basals or hardly right?
"Can anyone see such marvelous things, knowing them to be only plants and feel no wonder?"
Nepenthes.....The king of CPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all drosera and sarra etc etc lovers don't kill me