Hmm, freeze dried krill, that is seafood, maybe better not to try, its a bit out of the normal stuff that Neps will find in their pitchers
Then again so does seaweed based fertilizers.
I have found a big Roach in my Truncata pitcher once, when it was still quite new (the plant), I left it alone, the pitcher is still okay, but can't say if it helped or not. Then again mind you that the Truncata pitchers are quite thick and we know they can even take small mamals without problems. Wait, I guess we can generalize or conclude that what you feed depends on the species of Nep, some neps have more delicate pitchers than others.
Cindy, maybe you can post a photo of your technique of using wishing words on your Pings
That sounds interesting and artistic.
I have never fed my neps bloodworms, I have fed my VFTs some big tubifex worms (the are fish food mainly) and they like it, no growth spurt noticed of course. My only comment with Bloodworms is that they can potentially really be found naturally in pitchers just like mosquito larvaes, so maybe they are okay as food. I do have quite a lot of bloodworms living in my water trays, can surely try to feed them to my pitchers.