Ahh................The school holidays are here and i have nothing but time in my life now.....So well since i can even fit everything which i want to do and still have plenty of time..........so now thinking about my ambitions what i want to be or wanted to be and realised i can't lol.........Well if i'm not wrong when i was younger till a few years back i wanted to be a biologist or a archeologist...(ps...i don't even know how to spell it lol)......And i realised that even though i like those quite a lot those jobs are hmmm kinda out of my reach hahaha......Since now i pratically have no ambitions at all i was thinking if theres anything or any job which focus to flora or CPs especially nepenthes and study them??
If there is what are they actually even called????A cp biologist??????taxonomist????????And also if such job exist how do i get there lol......
One last thing if you have all the time in the world like me why not write down your ambitions too
