Hi All,
Some outdoor friends had asked me to identify the nepenthes they had shot. The photos were taken at various peaks around Gunung Tahan. These places, I was told, can be reached after taking 4 wheel drives from Cameron Highland and of course ......... great deal of hiking. Definitely not recommended for an old softie like me.
Here we have red variations of what we currently called N. gracillima, as described in Dr Charles Clarke books.
These creamy coloured variations N. gracillima, however, will be called N. alba in Stewart McPherson's new book - "Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume Two".
Note that both the red and cream coloured N. gracillima are very small stature plants, as can be seen in these two habitat photos. Also, N. gracillima are high altitude plants as they grow amongst stunned vegetation.
Now, these two darked coloured pitchers is what I think Stewart McPherson called the true N. gracillima.
Since the book is not available yet, you can check photos of his N. alba and N. gracillima here: