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Old 9th November 2008, 06:47 PM
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kentosaurs kentosaurs is offline
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Default Re: Nose Bleed

Hi Edward

Well i don't think its pulse......Mine just blocks up easily and a lot of mucus sometimes.

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Old 9th November 2008, 09:39 PM
arvin555 arvin555 is offline
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Default Re: Nose Bleed

I too get nosebleeds quite often, and my daugther sometimes. Yes if you pick your nose, chances of getting a nose bleed is high. However my daughter's doctor said that sometimes bleeding nose is caused by an allergy. This at least gave me a clue, because whenver I eat Chips Ahoy (choco chip cookies) I get bleeding nose, but other chocolate bars and brands I don't, so I'm allergic to something in Chips ahoy cookies, this doesn't mean I stop eating.

I am chinese too, and my Mom used to say that it is "heat" that is causing it, but I disagree now, even in cold weather or even if I am well hydrated, and even if I just took a cold shower, etc. I still sometimes get nose bleed.

You know though, one of these days, if I get a really bad nose bleed, I want to collect some blood, put a drop on my finger and take a photo of my finger with the blood "feeding" a VFT. I would welcome anyone to copy this idea, let us see who gets the best shot of blood feeding VFT or Nepenthes

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