Hey there, I was wondering if someone could give me some advice here. I have an N. 'Red Leopard' that a friend gave me some time ago as a cutting from the tip of a climbing vine. After a very long wait it has finally put out a basal shoot. Here is a picture...
My question is the following: If I cut off the climbing vine, would this encourage faster and better growth of the basal? I know the plant is probably putting a lot of energy into the climbing vine so it can put out a flower stalk. I don't have any other neps that are even close to flowering any time soon, so hybridizing is out of the question. I was wondering if by cutting the vine it would redirect this energy into basal growth and production of basal pitchers. Also, I know I can get many cuttings from this vine, which I have also been waiting to do.
I also wanted to know if cuttings from this vine will continue to grow as climbing vines or as basal shoots... Anyways, any advice would be very appreciated, thanks!