Hi guys
Just asking la...I go to they're websites and just see but no buy....I always just see quite a small number of plants like MT i mean i don't know if thats what they have at the moment but do the have more?EP i look around lots of stuff are not available..I mean yeah sure EP has a lot hmm like N predator do they not sell that anymore??
but oh well nevermind forget EP (EPs fine) And BE i went into the website and there is kinda no list of plants there..So i thought people who wanted to see they're list will have to email them..Is that true?
Anyways just a small thought anyone feels like getting more CPs or neps by middle of this year or maybe around may-june?
"Can anyone see such marvelous things, knowing them to be only plants and feel no wonder?"
Nepenthes.....The king of CPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all drosera and sarra etc etc lovers don't kill me