Well,this pictures are taken sometime ago.At night when i go near my nep plants something will be moving.I cant see it cause its dark but 1 day i manage to catch it on my hp camera.Guess what?Frogs?Few of them but manage to catch on the camera only one of them.I think they come to feed on the nep at night and day time they go hiding.They quickly dissapear if they saw any movement or light.
So do they feed from the pitcher or try to catch any mosquito which tries to lay egg in the pitcher?Any clues?So far i havent seen any mosquito larvae in my pitcher but i have seen few dead mosquitos.The neps are hanging around 1.5m high and that frog can really jump.Did the humidity or the water from the pitcher attracted the frogs?Try to catch some recently but they were just too fast but my dog did catch 2 frogs and ate them.Anybody had similar experiance?Anybody saw frogs with neps in the wild?