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All Stuff On Carnivorous Plants General Discussion: CPs, books, movies, accessories, "where to get what", etc.

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Old 16th January 2009, 12:19 PM
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Default CP seed advisable media

Hi everyone

Considering the sudden monsterous burst of seed giveaways.......And since a number of people took it what do you guys normally use for a specific kind of media to germinate them.Doesn't really need to be specific maybe by genus Nepenthes,Sarracenia,Drosera and VFT etc etc etc...

As my last try on nepenthes seeds i only got about 10-20% or less of germinations.But that happened because i was stupid and i watered it like normal neps making some seeds getting flushed down under the media which probally rotted and dead by now.So i can't really say what media works for neps...Okays so i also heard that a older media might help germinate more seeds or germinate them faster....But how old is old??? Does maybe even getting the pot ready for use a couple of days to about 2 weeks even help? Or does it have to be months to years?

Okays back to the main topic...What media do you use for your CP seeds which u have grown from seed and just need some advice if the medias i'm gonna use will be good.


Thin Layer of LFS at the bottom and a little peat moss in the middle and LFS as topping again.Perlite is spread throughout the whole thing


Thing LFS at bottom and Peat Moss all the way up (Peat seems to hold a lot of water) Perlite is spread evenly throughout the media.

Well those are what i use....I've not really heard of a lot of people using peat moss for neps but i find peat moss really compact which in my opnion will prevent the seeds from dropping down to the bottom so do you think thats advisable to use for nep seeds?

"Can anyone see such marvelous things, knowing them to be only plants and feel no wonder?"

Nepenthes.....The king of CPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all drosera and sarra etc etc lovers don't kill me
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