20th March 2010, 04:51 PM
Full Member
Join Date: Thu Sep 2009
Location: Tolga, Australia.
Posts: 88
White scale or Mealy Bugs?
I tried Confidor which is a nicotine based insecticide explained at http://www.bayercropscience.com.au/c...ail.asp?id=148 . However, the white scale, mealy bugs or whatever the pests are, are now worse and the plant is not healthy. We sprayed Confidor on the leaves. However, I am not sure if repeated sprayings are needed or if it needs to be watered in. Alternatively, I could try something else. I heard that mentholated spirits can work if it is wiped on the leaves. Could that work well for Nepenthes? The pest is covering most of the surfaces of most of the leaves.
I am not sure if it would be worth cutting all the green foliage off the plant and trying to strike it as cuttings. Would that be an idea?
Your help is appreciated,
Regards Richard.