Originally Posted by arvin555
Are they mostly Mirabilis? They love water and don't like to be dry, but I did see in your photo that the potting mix in one of them is soaking wet.
So I'm not sure
Yeah first is dyeriana...I tried to put it in a sunny place and i thought maybe it wasn't the light but the new leaf came out nor mal for the first half then wavy again....lol. Well 2. viking x xkuching 3.mira 4.viking 5.viking 6.viking x mira
As you can see...swamp neps so I usually put them on a water tray along my bical and amp(which isn't so good,got burnt marks everywhere ...WHY??)So they are soaking wet..doesn't bother them much
Originally Posted by Aliamyz
That's normal Marvin.My viking tend to grow like that.
Does the spots mean anything?Pest?