Originally Posted by TS
Great amps , they are all in good healthy condition under your care, Isaac. I particularly love your "hot lip". How come mine doesn't appeared that red!??!? Talking about my "hot lip", I placed it high up at a wall side, but the stray cats kept passing there and one day the whole pot fell down. The plant was shock since then and I have now placing it at other location. It's now starting to recover after a few months. The pitchers are small now.
Hi TS,
Yours is most likely the dark red version which I also have. This is a different color variant from that version that you have. I have 2 types of these "hot lip" from my collection. Only this version which is from a different collection area shows the briliant red colour.
If not mistaken, the dark red version that you have should be from Matang area.