hey, my name is Vin[for short]i am 19, and i live in couer d'alene,ID, which is in the NW part of the US. Currently, i have a lot of plants

which i love very much. i have fly traps:dente, cupped, red dragon, and normal varieties.Sundews: cape sundews[2 many] lanced leafed, and kennyl,which is like pulcifera. pitcher plants:dont have alot of these, but i have hooded,purple, and yellow pitcher plants and a couple of X catesbai hybrids.1 butterwort, penguicula medusina, or the medusa butterwort. My collection is really only a collection due to my last genus of cp's i grow and propagate;the nepenthes. Now hopefully tomarrow i will write down what i have, so all of you have an idea of what i carry. all in all i have about a little over 60 nepenthes, thats roughly counting there shoots, and the babies i have cut off. The only nepenthes i have alot of is nepenthes sanguinea,(1 momma and 6 babies!) and if you go to my page and look at some of the pics i have u will see what i mean.I hope in the near future i can have buddies 2 trade back and forth with to broaded our ever growing collections, and also 2 meet all of you that have the same passion as i do. I hope to hear from ya's and happy growing!