Hi Ali/alcran
Well it does get exposure to direct sunlight some time of the day.....But i doubt thats the problem because it has been harden off like that and it grew fine for months..The weird thing is even though the leaf is smaller the pitcher it is having is the biggest among all it has.....I read about it and it says it will not kill or harm much on the plant but its unsightly (not nice
) Anyways i do not have a highland truncata its the typical lowland form which has green peristrome which later turns bronze. My grow area is well...ummm mid 30's in the afternoon and around 25 during the night sometimes 23c...Humidity is above 60 at all times.....Most of the time around mid 70's to 80's.
"Can anyone see such marvelous things, knowing them to be only plants and feel no wonder?"
Nepenthes.....The king of CPs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all drosera and sarra etc etc lovers don't kill me