Re: Share your EP plants!!
To answer a few questions, my plants are growing outdoors in Honolulu. The photos show only the pitchers and not the entire plants, so the effects of the elements are mostly unseen. The plants are watered daily by an automatic watering system, and I have to confess that they are victims of neglect. I use growing mixes that are various combinations of peat moss, perlite, and lava cinder, so the mixes don’t deteriorate, and I don’t have to repot them until they get too big for their pots. The plants are growing in different parts of my yard, each with different amounts of shade. The only thing that I do is try to find a location for each plant with the right amount of light for that plant. These just happen to be the plants I got from EP that have survived under my conditions. Others haven’t been so fortunate. Honolulu has nearly the same climate as Malaysia. The humidity is constantly high. However, it is a bit further north, so there is more variation in temperature and day length between winter and summer.