Hi, my name is Hubert. I am a Pole, I live near Krakow (Poland). I am 17 years old and I go to high school.
Carnivorous plants are interested in me five years. Here you can see my plants:
http://www.terrarium.com.pl/forum/pr...rofile&u=38892 Plants popular in my country are: nepenthes ventrata, nepenthes x hookeriana,
pinguicula tina, drosera spathulata, drosera capensis, dionea and sarracenia purpurea.
I teach English and I hope that this forum will help me in this. For this reason, I apologize for spelling errors. I think my English is getting better (thanks to this forum).
when registering on this forum had a problem, but it helped me caseyhoo Administrator- thank you!!!!