Holland peat for VFT... Is it ok?
I'm new here and just started to sow some VFT seed that I bought from eBay. It's already been 3 weeks since I sowed them.
I use a type of peat called Holland peat by a local seller. I don't get any idea what it is and is it suitable for sowing VFT. Anyone here use the same peat before (I mean the Holland peat)?
I think my first 25 seeds are going to fail because I forgot to stratify them in the fridge. Now I'm waiting for another 10 seeds from another online seller (maybe will arrive in 2/3 more days). So I need to be well prepared this time.
By the way, anyone know any seller locally sell the VFT plant instead its seeds? Please let me know.
(I'm sorry if these questions was already asked before).