Originally Posted by TS
Very nice plant. Love the clump of basals formed. How tall/long is the main stem?
I think N.amp formed basal all year round, what I mean all year round is the new basals keep on producing pitchers and the old ones dry off.
I wonder how long will the vine grow until it flower, I have one amp that grew taller then me  , about 6 feet tall, but still no sign of flowering.  
i have never had an ampullaria that flowered for me. the only flowers i had was n. gracilis, northiana, rafflesiana, and one more unidentified species.. haha.. somehow i find ampullaria unique in the sense that theyre pitcher lids are 'open' to get plant matter in the wild. how i wihs i had pitchers that reach 15 cm like those in the wild haha.
your old ampullaria basals dry off? my old basals continue to grow and grow and grow until about like 12++ inches? i snip them off when they reach that height. it doesnt look nice to me.
waaaaaaa. mor ethan 6 feet tall? you put under partial shade or more on the direct sunlight side?